Evangelist and Sister Childers

Evangelist and Sister Childers
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How to be More Organized

   Sometimes as a busy wife and mother things tend to slip. We must grow and take advantage of different tools to aid us in our success of keeping our household and daily lives organized and equipped with what is needed. Don’t be shy if you have to write things down to remember, this technique just makes you a more responsible woman. There are different types of planners, calendars, note books, ipads that can be used on a daily basis to help you accomplish different task. Most of us have cell phones and most of our phones are equipped with a scheduler that will help remind us of task to complete or anything else we need to remember. Most phones have memo pads that can become your best friend when you need to document multiple things to remember. Please consider that the running of a household is like running a business. I remember growing up my mother will always have things done ahead of time so she will not have to rush to get things done. One example my mother is famous for is ironing all the clothes for the week and having it hung up and prepared for her children and her husband. Another example my mother is known for is having dinner prepared early in the morning so that when she gets off of work or church on a Sunday the meal is ready, this way we are not having to wait to eat. I do appreciate the example my mother set and many of the sisters from church has a role model to follow. Being a wife and mother one of our monthly task is grocery shopping. This can be viewed as something so horrific, but if we are organized and prepared it will be as easy as 1 2 3 and stress free. When it is time to go grocery or house product shopping always go and take inventory on your home and make a list to take with you of things you need. This will save time and money where you are not standing in the aisles guessing what to get or purchasing something you don't need. I believe many of us have been in those shoes where you bought something that was sitting in your home all along or forgot something because you did not check. There are always little steps you can take to make the running of your home successful.  We will always need some type of system that works to get the job done. If you are tech savvy and have technology to aid in your success with your household please be free to use it. Let the knowledge that the Lord has given you aid in your journey of becoming a more effective wife and mother.

Please be free to share other ways to become more efficient:

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