Evangelist and Sister Childers

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Sisters Definition of a Virtuous Wife/Mother

A virtuous wife is a woman who understands her mission and her duties. She understand what thus saids the lord without answering back. A virtuous wife remembers what has been taught through our holy bishops and understand that its Yahweh that speaks through them. Yahweh uses a vessle that has given his self over to him so that the bishop can be used. She understand that only through obediance she will be save, and she will always remember the scripture "wives submit yourselves to your own husband as unto the lord. Amen!
Mother Brinda Diaz

Sarah obeyed Abraham calling him Lord, so shall we be if we do the same. Strive within all our hearts to obey and serve our Lord in everything he will have us to do. 
Mother Karen Washington

 I believe a virtuous woman is one that follows the ways set before her by our forth mother Sarah. She is one that honors her husband wishes in all good things, she is considered his helpmate in righteousness. A virtuous wife continues to submit her ways and put her family before her own natural pleasures. She is a woman that does follow the scriptures that has been taught for generations and continues to perfect that. Amen!
Sis. Rachel Childers

A virtuous woman is being righteous upright obedient to my own husband, rising early taking care of my house and children, bringing them up in the Lord performing my wifely duties, and most important a heart to please Yahweh.  Amen!

Sis Shiray Standifer

Praise Yah, my definition of a virtuous woman takes care of her Lord. Put his needs first. Knows her Lords likes and dislikes. Is confortable standing behind him. Never disrespectful to her Lord. Honours him in any and all situations. Raises her children tobe honest and respectful. Instills Yahs word into them. Cares for home. Welcomes those in need into her home, wakes early to prepare for her house. Has her hand in good works, never caught up in.mess. Is there for the ministers and saints of Yah.

Sis Justine Riddle

A virtuous woman is very different in the way she talk, in the way she walk, how she dress, and the uniqueness in her way she conducts her life. They know how to be humble and praise Yahweh. They pray and read their bible daily.
Mother Mary Spears

A virtuous woman is one who is willing to give tirelessly to her family and make the 
necessary sacrifices so that her household will run well. She's not upset that she is the chaste keeper of the home she actually takes pleasure and joy in her God given role. The key if you will to obtaining the attribute of a virtuous woman is for us to always be willing to do what OUR own lords(husbands) want of us as unto the LORD because that husband is the savior of the household. A virtuous woman woman understands that her husband, children and their household is her first and most important ministry
Sis Kathy Jenkins

A virtuous woman is a woman who cooks, cleans, and takes care of her lord and children. She also follows her lord in rightousness and teaches her children the way of the Lord. She also stays out of her lord's way when it comes to the work of the ministry.
Sis April Duward

A wife who puts Yahweh and her family first. She always does what she can to show her love for her husband. She always makes time for the Lord.
Sis Elizabeth Torres

A virtuous woman is a woman after God's heart. A woman who puts Yahweh first in everything that she does. A woman who is full of faith, reverences her husband and lets him lead the house. A woman who teaches her children and nurtures them. A woman who is wise and a woman of worth and inner-beauty.
Sis Nicole Davis

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